generator contacterの例文
It is sometimes referred to as a " rotary biological contacter process ". This is attributed to the damp climate, which causes start-up contacter failures.

ac generator
Brushless AC generators are usually larger than those used in automotive applications. Generators are classified into two types, AC generators and DC generators. Edison treasurer Hastings ......

ac generator set
The frequency-sensitive behaviour of the galvanometer allows their use as a crude frequency meter, commonly used for adjusting the speed of AC generator sets.

accurat sweep generator
Accurat sweep generator

accurate sweep generator
Accurate sweep generator

acetylene gas generator
Acetylene gas generator

acetylene generator
They had a windmill at the house, and an acetylene generator which is what provided them the lights. He left the company after developing the world's first practical headlamp for automobil......

acetylene generator house
Acetylene generator house

acoustic generator
The most common such sweeps are magnetic and acoustic generators. Modern surface combatants with an ASW mission will have a variety of active systems, with a hull-or bow-mounted array, pro......

acoustic signal generator
A new fluid level measurement method , based on ultrasonic measurement , for calculating the velocity of sound and the fluid level is presented . this method points out that a low - power ......

address generator
Another four read ports supply operands to the two address generators. The Agnus is the Address Generator Chip. Integer functional units consisted of two integer units, a shift unit, a mul......

address generator unit
Integer functional units consisted of two integer units, a shift unit, a multiply-divide unit, and two address generator units.

adsr envelope generator
Each wave generator has its own ADSR envelope generator. The YM2203 and the rest of the OPN synthesizer family generate sound via ADSR envelope generator. The filter has its own dedicated ......

advanced stirling radioisotope generator
:Currently, I think that the most efficient way to turn isotope heat ( which requires less " heavy shielding " ) in to motive power is to use an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator.

aerosol generator
The twin aerosol generators provide high throughput of the precursor solution and stabilize the flame. Simple aerosol generators, such as underarm deodorant spray cans, can serve as quite ......

afg analog function generator
Afg analog function generator

aided tachometer generator
Aided tachometer generator

air code generator
Air code generator

air cooled generator
In designing of air cooling generators , the problem that the generator lead - out can ' t suffice the electric safety distance in the special cooling wind path were introduced , and some ......

air cooled turbo generator
This paper briefly introduces the raw material and manufacturing process used for rotor slot insulation home - production for air cooled turbo generator with abb technology of switzerland ......

air generator
There are three different types of hypoxic air generators : VSA-based ones. Hypoxic air generators can be located inside or outside the protected rooms. VSA-based hypoxic air generators ha......

air producer gas generator
Air producer gas generator

air-cooled generator
Air - cooled generator with new design of counterblast

airborne generator
During the Second World War, Pobjoy ran a section of Rotol Airscrews of Gloucester, England, and was responsible for the design and development of an airborne generator, intended for use o......

aircraft generator
This creates extra load on utility lines, increases heating of building wiring, the utility transformers, and standard AC electric motors, and may cause stability problems in some applicat......